
Go Set A Watchman

Are the Four Horsemen getting ready to ride?
Book Three in the "Beginning of Sorrows" Series

The third, and final, in the 'Beginning of Sorrows" series is now live on Amazon! We show the "convergence" of events, happening now on a near-daily basis, leading up to the Tribulation:
  • The CBDC - In late 2022, an announcement was made to begin a “trial period” for a digital US dollar: "Nine U.S. financial institutions, including Citibank, Wells Fargo, and Mastercard launched a pilot program working with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to test the feasibility of a digital dollar based on distributed ledger technology. It is the path to the Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC." (pg 7)
  • The One World Government - On their website, the World Economic Forum states, "There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative." ( (pg 8)
  • The One World Church - The Document on Human Fraternity, written by Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb of al-Azhar, introduced the concept that all religions were "right", and we all just need to get along. (pg 62)
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - This first seal, releasing the first Horseman, is not representing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Instead, it represents an evil spirit that comes forth to conquer, to create havoc and destruction, and one who will, for a short time, gain great authority. (pg 44)

"In this book, we’ve looked at events and processes in our world today that could be leading up to that fulfillment, with emphasis on the one world currency (CBDC), the one world government (WHO) and the one world church, but we also need to look at what Jesus emphasized, over and over, as the primary sign of the times.
“Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you.” (Matthew 24:4)
The Greek word originally used here is planaó: “go astray, get off-course; to deviate from the correct path (circuit, course), roaming into error, wandering; (passive) be misled.” (Strong’s Concordance.4105 planaó) So Jesus is telling his Disciples, and us, to not let anyone lead us astray and away from Him. That is Satan’s goal – to get us away from God and to halt whatever God has us doing and to lessen the harvest of souls for God’s glory. It has been his goal from the beginning when the serpent tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. And it continues to be his goal today." – (Convergence, pg 104) Convergence is a necessary addition to anyone's End Times library.

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