Are We There Yet?

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A 10 week Women's Bible Study that looks at the time times we are in and asks, "Are we there yet?" Are we in the times Jesus called the "beginning of sorrows" and if so, what is next? Come join us for a Bible-based look at what is happening in the world today and how the events of today line up with Bible prophecy.

These are the audio recordings and hand-outs for each class. This page will be updated weekly.

Description Date Audio Recording Hand-outs

Class 1 - Why Do We Study Prophecy?
This recording is actually from an earlier presentation of this class, as I failed to hit the "record" button for our class. The material covered here is the same material as was presented in our first class.


Class 1 - Why Do We Study Prophecy? Class 1 - Why Study Prophecy handout
Bible prophecy percent
Five kingdoms

Class 2 - Is God Done with Israel?
This is an actual recording from our class on 9/26/22. :)


Class 2 - Is God Done with Israel Class 2 - Is God Done with Israel

Class 3 - The War of Gog and Magog
And some interesting recent events


Class 3 - The War of Gog and Magog Class 3 - The War of Gog and Magog - handout
Nations of Psalms 83 war

Class 4 - The Church Age


Class 4 - The Church Age Class 4 - The Church Age handout

Reading - Wake Up!


Reading - Wake Up! Wake Up!

Class 5 - The AntiChrist


Class 5 - The AntiChrist Class 5 - The AntiChrist handout

Class 6 - The Mark of the Beast


Class 6 - The Mark of the Beast Class 6 - The Mark of the Beast handout

Class 7 - The Third Temple and the Abomination of Desolation


Class 7 - The Third Temple and the Abomination of Desolation Class 7 - The Third Temple and the Abomination of Desolation handout

Reading - My God


Reading - My God My God

Class 8 - The One World Government


Class 8 - The One World Government Class 8 - The One World Government handout

Class 9 - The One World Church


Class 9 - The One World Church Class 9 - The One World Church handout

Reading - My People Know Me


Reading - My People Know Me My People Know Me

Class 10 - The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ


Class 10 - The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Class 10 - The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ handout

Reading - He is Coming!


Reading - He is Coming! He Is Coming

Email Susan Mouw.